segunda-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2013

Scientists recover vision of blind mice!!!

The blindness in mice is a very serious social problem that affects these poor defenseless animals, causing them to suffer a lot in meetings and Sunday celebrations. Furthermore, the mice blind can not find anything in your kitchen. Therefore, the U.S. government has invested billions of dollars in research to restore their vision (holy U.S. government!). "We are doing everything possible to restore dignity to these creatures of God," said President Barack Obama.
The mouse Steeve Wonnderr: the first guinea pig regain sight!
The first product of the research was an injection of cells optics that correctly injected into the eyes of pets, causes them to recover approximately xxx% of vision! The first test subjects were able to distinguish, for example, the image of a piece of cheese image of a mousetrap!
Our super-fantastic team hopes that the mice are blessed by angels and blessed to have a happy life in our great capitalist society-Christian West.

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